Tuyeres for Blast Furnace
High Conductivity Copper Cooled Components for Steel Industry

Tuyeres work in a very aggressive environment where they are exposed to the highest heat concentrated part of the blast furnace.
The tuyers are subjected to extreme temperatures, structural load, pig iron drops and abrasion from suspended particles.
The capacity of the tuyeres to resist to all severe conditions is extremely vital for the furnace to reach a stable operation.
Hence, the steel industry is very demanding when selecting possible suppliers. CECAL is proud to be one of the leading companies to design and manufacture the best tuyeres for blast furnaces globally.
CECAL manufactures a wide variety of tuyeres, developed to achieve high performance according to the specific operation features for each furnace:
- Number of circuits: Single or double;
- Type of channels: Conventional, spiral or with coil;
- Possible coatings: Metal hard-facing, ceramic or refractory.
CECAL's tuyeres comply with the most demanding technical requirements of operators and providers of blast furnaces.The fabrication of the tuyeres can be according to drawings and specifications from the customer, or according to CECAL's design, which is customized for each specific application.
CECAL is always proactive with offering design improvements to improve reliability and durability.
The performance of tuyers is analyzed in depth, based on the extensive experience gained over decades of collaborative work with furnaces operators, and using the state of the art engineering tools.

The quality of the tuyeres is verified by a strict guidelines of tests that guarantees CECAL's Quality Standard.
Digital radiograph test is one of the key quality assurance steps for to the production line. The radiographic test is able to detect casting and welding imperfections, using advanced image analysis software.
CECAL's Tuyeres for Blast Furnace

High Conductivity Copper Cooled Components for Steel Industry
- Cigar Coolers (Copper Jackets) and Cooled Panels for Blast Furnace
- Cooled Panels and Oxygen Injectors for Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)
- Contact Clamps and Electrode Holders for Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)
- Copper Stave Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Hot Blast Valve Disks and Seat Rings
- Lance Tips and Sublances for Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), LD Converters and other types
- Plate Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Tuyere Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Tuyeres for Blast Furnace