High Conductivity Copper Cooled Components for Steel Industry

CECAL is one of the global leading companies to design and manufacture the best High Conductivity Copper Cooled Components for Steel Industry.
- Cigar Coolers (Copper Jackets) and Cooled Panels for Blast Furnace
- Cooled Panels and Oxygen Injectors for Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)
- Contact Clamps and Electrode Holders for Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)
- Copper Stave Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Hot Blast Valve Disks and Seat Rings
- Lance Tips and Sublances for Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), LD Converters and other types
- Plate Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Tuyere Coolers for Blast Furnace
- Tuyeres for Blast Furnace